Monday, September 21, 2015

Fall is in the Air

Hello, Autumn! It took you long enough to get here!

I'm one of those people who get more creative when the weather is cooler. Most people like sunny, bright days - I love cloudy dark days. Projects and stories are flowing through my brain and all I have to do is harness one of them and I'm off and running.

Of course, along with the cooler weather is the fact that Christmas is just around the corner - seems to sneak up on me faster and faster the older I get. I swear, there must be faeries in the house shaking my hourglass because time gets away from me in the blink of an eye.

I'm strapping on my roller skates and taking a deep breath - I know it's going to be a bumpy ride, but I want to enjoy as much of it as possible.

See ya on the other side ...

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