Saturday, December 12, 2015

Class of 2015

My youngest child, Chris Rightmyer, graduated this weekend from Berea College (Berea, Kentucky) with a Bachelor of Arts in History. There are no words to describe how proud I am of her and all her accomplishment.

This child selflessly gave up an entire year of school in order to care for me during a life-threatening illness. Last year I was flown to the University of Kentucky hospital with septic pneumonia. I was on a ventilator and in a medially induced coma. I don’t remember anything for the first three weeks of the 117 days of my hospitalization, but I know Chris was with me. I had lots of visitors, especially those first weeks, but Chris stayed with me almost every day. She watched over me and encouraged during my physical therapy.

After I was released from the hospital, Chris was home with me. She cooked my meals, cleaned my clothes, helped me walk and exercise, was my constant companion until I was able to care for myself again. I would not have recovered like I did if it were not for Chris. A child should not have to care for a parent, especially at such a young age, but she did this without complaint. Now she is about to realize her dream and I am ecstatic with pride.

Congratulation Chris Rightmyer, Berea Class of 2015, Bachelor of Arts in History!

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