Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wayback Wednesday - Dark Shadow episode 21-25

We are still rehashing Roger's accident. Did Burke Devlin tamper with the bleeder valve? Was it truly an accident? Or did someone else try to kill Roger? Dah, dah, dah, dah - all will be revealed in episode 25.

Episode: 21  Original Air Date: 07-25-1966
Opening Voiceover: Alexandra Moltke
Timeline: 1966
Summary: Victoria is not sure that Burke is responsible for Roger's accident, and Carolyn doesn't want believe he is. Bill accuses Burke of trying to make good on a threat he made years ago to get even with the Collins'. Bill is also concerned that Burke might buy a cannery that would compete with the Collins. Elizabeth wants Carolyn to leave town to avoid any problems that Burke might cause. Victoria gets a letter from the foundling home and it brings up more questions about her past, which annoys Elizabeth. Burke calls someone from New York and tells him he that things are starting to happen, and he wants to be ready to move.

Episode 22  Original Air Date: 07-26-1966
Opening Voiceover: Alexandra Moltke
Timeline: 1966
Summary: Roger talks with Sam he says that they are the only two people who know what really happened 10 years ago. Sam goes home to find Burke there; Burke wants him to paint his portrait. Roger and Carolyn discuss Burke, Roger wants him to go back to prison, but Carolyn is not sure that Burke is guilty. Sam agrees to paint Burke's portrait.

Episode 23  Original Air Date: 07-27-1966
Opening Voiceover: Alexandra Moltke
Timeline: 1966
Summary: Constable Carter arrives to investigate the "accident". Everyone tells their stories about what they know or suspect. David is preoccupied with what would happen to someone who tried to commit murder. Victoria still doesn't think Burke is responsible. The constable wants to collect the wrench that Burke was seen holding before the accident. David knocks the wrench on the floor, then picks it up. The constable comments that he now knows how David's finger prints have gotten on the wrench.

I had forgotten what an evil little brat David was in the earlier episodes. He was scary, but scary good!

Episode 24  Original Air Date: 07-28-1966
Opening Voiceover: Alexandra Moltke
Timeline: 1966
Summary: Constable Carter questions Burke about the accident. Maggie is concerned that her father is somehow caught up in the recent troubles. Joe talks with Carolyn about how he wants to get his own boat and go into business for himself. Burke tells his side of the story to Constable Carter, and he gets Carolyn to explain how it was her idea to go up to the house. Carolyn is mad at Burke because he used her. Burke tells Bronson that there might not be much time.

Episode 25   Original Air Date: 07-29-1966
Opening Voiceover: Alexandra Moltke
Timeline: 1966
Summary: David gets caught trying to steal Victoria's letter from the foundling home. Victoria tells Elizabeth that David is acting strange and she thinks he might have had something to do with the "accident". Roger wants to know why Elizabeth hired Victoria, she makes it clear that he better stick to the story or she'll kick him out of the house. David successfully steals Victoria's letter. Victoria searches for the letter and finds the missing bleeder valve in David's room.

*All photographs copyright Dan Curtis Productions, ABC Productions, and Dark Shadows Wiki

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