Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wayback Wednesday - Dark Shadows Episodes 26-30

Now everyone knows David tried to kill his father, so what is a Collins supposed to do? Like everything else, it will be sweep under the rug and added to the burden of mysteries in Collinwood.

Episode: 26 Original Air Date:  August 1, 1966
Timeline: 1967
Narrator: Alexandra Moltke
Writer: Art Wallace / Director: Lela Swift
Victoria asks David why he attempted to murder Roger and shows him the bleeder valve. The little sociopath attacks her and she locks it in a drawer. She tricks him into leaving her room. Roger confronts the Sheriff; Victoria and David wait each other out on opposite sides of Victoria's door. Roger continues to confront the Sheriff and implies that the Sheriff is afraid of the now-rich Burke. He also implies he'll use the Collins influence to take Carter's job. Roger wants a search of Burke's room; Carter says only a psycho would keep the bleeder valve; David tries to run outside, telling Elizabeth "he has to get away." He also accuses Victoria of trying to hurt him. David says that Victoria is going to make up stories about him and even says that Victoria will try to blame him for Roger's accident. David is ejected from the room and tells Victoria Elizabeth won't believe her. Carter has obtained his Search Warrant but hasn't finished his sandwich. Roger attempts to join Carter on the search, and that's where Jonas finally draws the line. David attempts to eavesdrop on Victoria and Elizabeth's conversation, where she recounts the last few minutes of the previous episode. Victoria tells her that she didn't try to hurt David, he tried to hurt her. Victoria tells Elizabeth she was afraid of David. Elizabeth says Burke caused the accident, and doesn't believe Victoria’s story of finding the bleeder valve.

Episode: 27 Original Air Date: August 2, 1966
Timeline: 1967
Narrator: Alexandra Moltke
Writer: Art Wallace / Director: Lela Swift
Carolyn's glad that the 9-year-old Monster has gone into hiding. Victoria flat out says David attempted to commit murder. Carolyn recounts her experience with Burke and puts two and two together. Victoria outlines the evidence and states that the Monster and the bleeder valve are now missing. She states that the walls of Collinwood should be padded, not paneled. They begin a search. Burke meets Mr. Bronson in Bangor because he doesn't want Bronson near Collinsport. Bronson is apparently going to act as some sort of cover operative for Burke and gives him the financial records from the past 5 years for the Collins Family. Carolyn heads toward her room; Victoria hears something scurrying about in the West Wing and recounts an earlier experience (14). Turns out Elizabeth was in the West Wing. Elizabeth interrogates Victoria and explains away the earlier mysterious encounter. Turns out there are at least two keys that could have opened the drawer. Carolyn finds David's magazines with a well-worn page on disassembling brake cylinders. Burke wants more shadow games from Bronson. Elizabeth can't convince Roger to come find David, who's been missing for 45 minutes. Carolyn talks with Elizabeth and storms off. Burke learns that his hotel room has been searched and a small boy attempted to sneak into his room.

Episode: 28 Original Air Date: August 3, 1966
Timeline: 1967
Narrator: Alexandra Moltke
Writer: Art Wallace / Director: Lela Swift
Burke confronts the Sheriff. Maggie gives David a dessert. Burke is furious, the Sheriff is smug. David learns how to make a dessert and Maggie asks him about his attempted burglary. A peeved Roger shows up and leaves after David vanishes. Maggie asks Roger about Sam. Roger tells Burke he's sending him back to prison. Burke learns Sam and Roger were strangers until Burke came back to town. The last time they'd spoken was 10 years ago. Carter tells Roger that Burke is clean and legal, but had the Collins family investigated two weeks before he arrived. David had been hiding in the phone booth.

Episode: 29 Original Air Date: August 4, 1966
Timeline: 1967
Narrator: Alexandra Moltke
Writer: Art Wallace / Director: John Sedwick
Elizabeth idiotically blames Vicki for David's predicament. David shows up at Burke's hotel room. David plants the bleeder valve. Burke tells David that he, Laura, and Roger were friends before Roger married Laura. David tells Burke he's not what he had expected based on Roger's horror stories. Burke declares friendship with David. Carolyn, Victoria's confidante, scolds Elizabeth. Carolyn says she's dreamed of killing her father, who left Elizabeth before Carolyn was born. Elizabeth admits she doesn't think Victoria did it. Maggie calls about David. Elizabeth dispatches Carolyn with the car to search. David and Burke talk about Roger's hatred and fathers in general. David wishes his father were like Burke. Roger used to fight with his wife about Burke. David goes to wash up and Burke finds the bleeder valve.

Episode: 30 Original Air Date: August 5, 1966
Timeline: 1967
Narrator: Alexandra Moltke
Writer: Art Wallace / Director: John Sedwick
Victoria sees a cloaked and ephemeral figure. Roger has arrived but is completely lacking interest in David's whereabouts. Roger names David and Burke as the two people who dislike him most. Victoria spills the beans about David's murder attempt. Roger disbelieves her. David looks for the bleeder valve in Burke's couch, but he can't find it. Burke takes him back to Collinwood. Burke arrives with David, says he found David wandering about 15 minutes ago.

Roger takes his son into the next room and tells him that he knows about the bleeder valve. David tries to blame the whole thing on Victoria. Roger doesn't believe him and flatly tells him so. Meanwhile, Burke advises Victoria to leave again, just as Roger asks Victoria to repeat her accusations to David.

Burke watches as Roger and Victoria confront David. Burke produces the bleeder valve.

*All photos are copyright of Dan Curtis Productions, ABC Productions, and Dark Shadows Wiki.

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